Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life so far in Quito

Since September, I have been living in Quito which is located up in the Andes at 9,305 feet. Yes, it's very high up and I still feel the altitude even after being acclimatized here for so long. It makes it a lot more difficult to wake up in the morning and running here feels like you're running with half a lung. Because it's on the equator, it still does feel semi-tropical. Everything is very green and it rains almost every day. Highs are in the low 70's and lows are in the low 50's at night so no, our apartment has neither air-con nor a heater.

I live with two friends in an apartment in northern Quito in a neighborhood called "La Carolina", named for the giant park two blocks from our apartment (kind of like the Central Park of Quito). Parque La Carolina is definitely one of my favorite places in has everything from soccer fields to basketball courts to paddleboats on a river to a mini skate park. When Nadia lived with us we used to go play pick-up soccer on the weekends but the men here are beyond machista (one told us that we would "lose our feminity once we put on our cleats") so lately I've mostly been training by myself. The reason why I've been training is that I am joining the Ecuadorian women's soccer league here. The team I'll be playing for is the Aucas (Nadia's old team that she set me up with). Women's soccer here is something else...these girls do not mess around. It should be a really interesting experience and it is the first time I'll be playing seriously since I quit competitive soccer at 15 after my knee injuries. I'm just hoping to stay healthy and score a goal by the time I leave!

This week I need to rush to finish up some research (and have an important meeting with JRS) before I leave on Friday to go to the coast (Sua to be exact, just south of Esmeraldas on the northern coast). Monday/Tuesday is Carnaval in Ecuador and the coast is supposed to be the best place to celebrate. I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures...I'm told it involves water/flour fights on the streets so it should be crazy. I'm also hoping to stop by Esmeraldas on the way back and do some more surveying in the HIAS office. So, I may not be able to update until mid-next week. Bye until then and miss you all! (I'm including some pictures from my first 5 months here below...thanks to Nads and Emma for some of these photos)

Parque La Carolina with a view of Pichincha Mountains in the background


AUCAS, my future team!

My three original roommates...Stew is still here but Kat is not :(

Parade during Quito Fest in the beginning of December

Our guy friends hanging out at our friend Pepe's house in Cayambe

In Baños, the extreme sports capital of Ecuador

Juggling with Nadia on the beach

Pineapple Man in Montañita

Me, Nads, and Emma on our last day in Montañ the Santa Cruz of Ecuador


  1. you are such a blogger pro! love you little darling! also i can´t believe you dedicated this blog to kyle and alan cummings.....where is some credit for my online encouragement. pssh. email me back!

  2. hahahaha it wasn't dedicated dedicated to kyle and alan cummings. i promise to dedicate my next post to you.
